Wino Wednesday: Clean Slate Riesling

Dear Pennies & Pens,

So while I was in Birmingham for Summer in the South, I bought a wine journal by Knock Knock Stuff. I have actually become quite obsessed with this amazing journal!

The journal allows you to write about wine as far as documenting the name of the wine, the price, alcohol level, and how the wine tastes. If you are new connoisseur, I highly recommend you get this journal!

Wine Journal by Knock Knock Stuff (Image from
Wine Journal by Knock Knock Stuff (Image from

Moving right along, I’ve been journaling about wine for a few months so that I could finally relaunch Wino Wednesdays. This week’s wine is Clean Slate Riesling. This wine was so dope! It was a little dry but it was oh so smooth going down!

Clean Slate Riesling
Clean Slate Riesling

I absolutely couldn’t get enough of it. I could seriously babysit this wine all night. This wine could make me stay up well past my bedtime and I’d still be happy in the AM. That said, do me a favor and get this wine in your life! Visit the website here to learn more:

And there it is. de la Pen…All Pen Everything. With us, keeping it real never goes wrong.

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