A Penny for Your Thoughts: Why I Quit Social Media

Dear Pennies & Pens,

In the video below, I talk about why I quit social media. I decided to discontinue use of social media for both my business, ISLP, The InkSpot, LLC as well as personal use. I posted an announcement video on September 27, 2021 and also sent out an email to my newsletter subscribers and customers on October 1, 2021.

Now, I’m finally sharing the news here in de la Pen…All Pen Everything. Over the past 11 or 12 years, I have used social media consistently for business and personal use. For the past couple of years, it’s clearly been affecting me mentally as well as my ability to grow my business. However, I continued to feed into the lie of social media that if I just got this amount of followers and this amount of likes that I’d not only be accepted but that my business would grow and become profitable.

So for years like many others, I chased followers, likes and comments. Nothing mattered more to me than finally blowing up and becoming someone worth following. Then finally in the past year or two, I (in my opinion) truly became someone worth following because I stopped caring what other people thought of me and allowed myself to just be. But still the followers didn’t come. And so I asked myself, why did I need followers anyway? Why was I working so hard to get people who clearly don’t care about me to click that like button?

And so I quit. It’s not about giving up, it’s about being strong enough to leave. To leave a world where people only care about how many views, likes, followers and comments you have. And the only way to get that is to look a certain way, behave in a certain way, or whatever is trending. Day in and day out you live your life as a trending topic.

I’m not a topic, bitch, I’m the whole category. You can’t contain my words to a page. Or limit my pen to a book. I’m too LOUD for all that. I’m badder than a bag of chips. I should put that on a T-shirt.

Anyway, de la Pen…All Pen Everything is now going to be the ONLY place where I will post new content. I’ll continue to blog as I have for the past 13 years. You’ll get updates on my business, ISLP, The InkSpot, LLC – note: we’ve got a new project in the works so stay tuned for updates. Y’all know Pen is always in the inklab. I’ll also continue to share reviews on music, art, fashion, beauty, vegan food, and if Covid ever ends, I’ll get back to doing travel content.

The last thing I’ll say before I finally include the video below is that in this season, I’m allowing myself to just be. I’m not forcing myself into anything too quickly because in the past, I moved on to the next too quick. So in this season, I’m just riding the wave until the Most High decides where to place me. Then I’ll move accordingly.

Love, peace & hair grease,


And there it is. de la Pen…All Pen Everything. With us, keeping it real never goes wrong. PS note the only reason this video is on YouTube is because that was the only way to get the video uploaded and make it shareable.

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