Pen’s Rhythm Nation: How I Listen to Music with My Music Devices

Dear Pennies & Pens, 

As you all know, I love collecting vinyl records and K Pop albums. Technically, I’ve always collected physical music but I stopped for a bit when digital/streaming became popular. I, like everyone else, thought digital music was easier to access. 

But now that I’m back into collecting physical music, I have realized why I like it better than streaming. First, it is more relaxing because you don’t have to look at any screens or get Siri or Alexa to play your music for you (we all know they sometimes get it wrong). 

Bad Girls by Donna Summer on Vinyl. Image by LoudPen, CEO of The InkSpot
Bad Girls by Donna Summer on Vinyl. Image by LoudPen, CEO of The InkSpot

It’s also more fun because it becomes a hobby to find and collect your favorite albums. You also start to learn what you really like. I still stream but I’ve noticed that when it comes to buying a physical album, I’m a lot more selective. That’s because physical music costs money and takes up space. So I won’t just buy an album, it has to really add value to my collection. 

In the video below, I talk about how I listen to music and share my music devices. In this video, you get to see my turntable (an Audio Technica LP60XBT), cd player/boombox (Sony) and my speakers (Audio Engine A2). Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments. 

And there it is. de la Pen…All Pen Everything. With us, keeping it real never goes wrong.

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