
1000 Words: All Pen Everything

Dear Pennies and Pens, As you all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. So we’ll let the photos do the talking. With no further adieu, we present 1000 Words: All Pen Everything. And there it is. de la…

Pen.Style: All Pen Everything

Dear Pennies & Pens, Sometimes you set off with the best intentions but things just don’t go according to plan. Take my latest shoot, All Pen Everything, for example. In so many ways, this shoot didn’t go according to plan.…

Penny’s Ink: The Back Issue

Dear Pennies & Pens, So I’m finally introducing an “Editor’s Letter” for de la Pen. Since de la Pen has grown into a lifestyle magazine, we publish it that way. Meaning we produce an issue of the magazine that has…

8515 Presents InteleTravel

Sponsored Post Dear Pennies & Pens, I am so thrilled to be working with my amazing sister Carnice to create and launch a content marketing campaign for her InteleTravel business! Some of you may remember that last year, we planned…

Mix n Mingle: An 8515 Production

Dear Pennies & Pens, As you all hopefully know, my agency, 8515, produces events. Last year we hosted Flavor’s Night Out in New York. At Flavor’s Night Out, we launched two original brands JBC (Jewels by Cacha`) and ISLP (The InkSpot).…

LoudLife: #QuietPen

Dear Pennies & Pens, The last two months have been CRAZY!!! Like I literally don’t even know where to begin. First off, I just got my laptop back about two weeks ago. Yes, you read that correctly, I was without…